Thursday, December 31, 2009

Talking Posters and Lots of Cash

It's been a while, but this was a good dream and just have to get it out of my head.....

I'm at my house and G is there. He's making buzzing noises into a poster - holding it up to his lips and feeling the vibrations the paper makes when he buzzes his lips. All of a sudden, I hear noises coming from the poster. I can't figure out what it is. It's faint and difficult to make out. All of a sudden I realize that it's kind of like a telephone and someone is yelling at G because of these noises he's making. I turn into "mama lion" and roar back at the man who's yelling at my son! Then I tell him that we didn't realize it was a phone poster and he backs off.

Later, at my house again there's a bunch of people over - one of whom I think is the man from the poster. We're all doing chores - we're all outside. I find an envelope full of money on the gruond and I don't know who it belongs to so I tape it up to my house and hope that no one will claim it. We're then cleaning up the backyard and another man has another roll of cash that he drops onto the yard for me to find. I move inside and my friend T. J. (old co-worker) is there and she's folding up the money like paper footballs and playing football on the table with whomever is sitting opposite her on this long table she's at.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A not so surprise party

I was going to a friend's restaurant. I had found out an old friend from high school opened a deli / restaurant and I wanted to check it out. It turns out I had already eaten there before but hadn't known it was his. It was a cute little place in a strip mall but I don't remember what any of the food was like. I was being dropped off at home. It was more like my home on E. Groveland then where I've ever lived before. As I was being dropped off I noticed a Cadillac pulling up, right onto the grass - smack dab in the middle of the lawn. I looked at the license plate, 86868 or 68686 (now I can't remember which it was) and saw some thugs getting out and then the car drove away before I could yell. The guys, whom I didn't recognize, said "uh-oh" and slinkered off somewhere. I went in the side door (not the back like where it was on the house) and was upstairs cleaning up. I was mad. I then figured that Dave had thrown me a surprise party. I went downstairs and was cleaning up on the right side for a bit and then finally went to the left where Dave turned on the lights and everyone yelled "surprise!" I don't even know what the party was for.

There were two very large cakes there. There wasn't a lot of frosting on them, just strips and then you could see the cake. It was yellow. Chuck had wanted yellow because he was selfish, even though my favorite was chocolate. Because there wasn't a lot of frosting the girl who had brought the cakes took off the top layer and then ran out with it, supposedly to fix it up.

One of the presents I got was a wire hanger thing that you hold over your head. It had a sily bathrobe and a place to hang your lingerie but it was the silliest contraption I'd ever seen. There was a wire that went to the hanger part but it looked as if the shape of everything was holding and not all saggy like on a regular hanger.

I had thrown something away on the other side of the basement. When I went back there someone had dumped something liquidy in there and it was all oozy and bubbly. It went over the side and across the tile floor and just slightly oozed onto the carpet. I quickly started picking it up and it turned into a more hard slime substance, kind of like silly putty but more like the flart. I got angry, but then it started oozing again.

So go the dreams when a miniature-sized warm-blooded person wakes in the middle of the night and insists on sleeping 2" from your face and giving you only 6" of mattress space to sleep on. Very light sleep with tons of weird dreams.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Old friends and an actor.

I was with a group of friends. I took a costume from one friend, it was a long black trench-coast like jacket and big black army boots that went up to my thigh. The whole costume was very comfortable and I absolutely adored the boots. Then we decided that we had to go downtown. I was going around finding some of my friends that I used to work with just to see what they were up to. I saw LJD and then went to see TJ. I thought she was a waitress at a restaurant but she was just there eating. As I was standing at an exit there was a man standing there, very tall and in uniform. There were a gaggle of girls standing there staring at him. I went up to him and he looked very familiar to me so I asked him if I knew him from somewhere. It turned out it was W. Wheaton (pictured above). Aaah, an actor. He was in unfiorm because he was working on a movie. He kept coming back over to talk to me. I'd ask him questions. What did he like, dislike? What kind of restaurants - I knew he was looking for a place to eat and I was trying to suggest places. He asked about ice cream, I mentioned East Coast Custard. He asked about icees and I didn't have an answer for that. He wouldn't give me his number, even though I was trying to get it.
Then the scene changes to a band that I was in and all of us were walking over this bridge that was floating in the water. It wasn't straight, but lots of "l" shaped pieces that you had to walk back and forth to get to where you were going. The boats had to stay on the outside so that they could just stay in the water and no hit this bridge. I was on the edge and at one point I decided to jump off.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My Circus/Dance Experience

I was a guest at a circus but I was an actor in it. It was mostly dance and there were lots of events taking place all at the same time. My cousin, Matt, was there (Note: probably because I've been thinking of him lately and haven't connected with him in a while) and, during the dream, he was my protector. I went and performed one of my dances and then had to perform it again a second time. The second time I had a different dance partner and the moves just didn't feel right. The first time the dance was jerky and interesting and my partner and I knew just what to do but the second time, with a different partner, the dance was all wrong.

I remember that there were two men who, separately, were trying to molest me or rape me or were just plain bad people. One of them, a giant of a man - huge, muscular and almost unbeatable, had the *&&*() beaten out of him by the group that was supporting me. The next time I had seen him he had a "halo" (metal wires and screws) keeping his head in place.

I remember trying to find parking, kind of like at Wade Oval, and having difficulty finding a parking place.

There were lots of dances and circus acts all taking place but each group was kind of separate. It's hard to replay the scene in my head.

Sunday's Dream - A Tree Ligthing Contest

My friend, John B., was in attendance at a contest to light trees. They weren't necessarily christmas trees because they were miniature, but the trees were being lit with christmas lights. Each contestant had a tree on display that had already been lit. They were all fluffy leaves and branches. Then they had the tree that they were working on. Each contestant had to bring their own stand. The only one I remember was John's - it was a ceramic golf bag. It was life-sized and I couldn't figure out how he got it to the contest without breaking it. John and I were walking around looking at all the other entries and then I looked back to where he had been sitting and there was a younger John, about 10 or 11 years old, working on his tree.

Not quite right, but here's one dream dictionary interpretation:

Christmas - To dream of Christmas, symbolizes family togetherness, reunions, celebration, peace, goodwill, generosity, and human kindness. It is also representative of new beginnings and fresh starts. Consider also your own associations with this holiday.

Christmas Tree - To see a Christmas Tree in your dream, symbolizes family celebrations, gatherings, and familial relationships. You may be experiencing some anxieties and stress in your domestic life. It also signifies a passage of time, self-development, and spiritual enlightenment. Consider also the feelings and emotions you experience during this holiday season to help you decipher this dream symbol.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

An Alumni Event

I was at an alumni event, but it wasn't for Case Western. We were in a huge, monstrous building that was under construction still. Most of it was just bare beams with not much else. They removed a curtain and you could see everyone standing around in their formal attire. I think my place of employment was in the middle of it but the building the party was taking place in was for the school. It was also a fundraiser. I was sitting walking up the stairs and at the bottom of the stairs was some food that you could take. The one item that stands out to me is the chocolate log roll - cake and icing all rolled together like a big ho ho. It looked so good, but I passed it up because Iknew there was food at my table. I went to sit down and then the scene switches a bit to me trying to find the police because I saw two "most wanted" criminals and needed to turn them in.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Ghost Story

I had to figure out where I was going to park. It was nighttime and I knew I was staying all night. The metered parking would have been expensive, at least $27, but I didn't feel like moving my car around the corner. There was a metal barrier up and I didn't want to walk around.

I went into the house and I had to sign in. I was talking to a friend of mine and I noticed that he was peeling so I started peeling for him. It turned out he was a ghost, but we were dating and we were in love. We didn't care. He knew he was in love with me. There were other people who did care and they didn't want us to date. I wasn't allowed to let anyone else see me. There was a reporter who was trying to find out if the ghost was, indeed, seeing someone, and she was using every means possible to try to find me out. There was something about water and then being able to see me, like if I stepped in water I could be found out - traces of me would be found. I was doing my best to steer clear and then she realized that she could look in the sign-in book, but my boyfriend had smudged out my name just before she could look at it. Then I was standing in the hallway and there was a line of people there. The reporter when up to one lady and started talking to her and then they were in cahoots. The lady intentionally spilled her entire bottle of Channel No. 5 all over me and that gave the reporter the fodder she needed.

It hadn't occurred to me until after I woke up that I was the one who couldn't be seen by anyone. It was as if I had been the ghost, but I know I wasn't.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bits and Pieces

I'm visiting an old camper of mine, Jen S., who just had a baby girl. She was sitting in the bed, putting the baby's hair in curlers. She said she does it all the time. Sometimes they're up until midnight just relaxing and that the baby doesn't care about sleeping in the curlers. Jen has some in her hair too - in the front. Jen stands on her bed to get to her closet, which is full to the brim of toys and clothes and she reaches for something high up on a shelf.

The dream shifts a little and I find my husband-to-be. Everyone is very religious, as is my h-t-b and there is a big cliff. We go to the bottom and there is a house down there. My h-t-b and I go in and start kissing, but we notice a few kids surrounding us so we stop and we start wrestling with them and playing around.

Then the dream shifts and it's my former bosses' wife talking about wanting to sell her house but it's not time to sell and someone is talking to her about her development, that there is only one lot left to build and she should let them build it and then buy it cheaply and then sell her house.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Dance Contest

I was at a dance contest. It was taking place in an auditorium, and the auditorium was full. There was a ramp in the middle where you could go out into the audience. It started with male stripper-style dancers and a whole bunch of women with wads of dollar bills, but they weren't doing anything with them. I was dancing and about to say hi to an old co-worker of mine when I saw my friend Rachel W. who was in the audience watching us with her family.

Next thing I know I'm standing on stage, along with the other contestants. I guess I had performed a solo dance out of the possible categories (solo, duet and group). There was a girl, Karin, who was standing behind me...she's the girl that looks just like Rachel W. I was trying to get Rachel's attention to point her out but Rachel was getting my attention because I hadn't heard my name called - I was a finalist! I ran over by the other finalists. I was standing right behind Aemi T. and her sister Judi R. (they both danced solo as well). There was another girl and an older man with a huge paunch - the janitor. He kept saying he didn't dance as well as he liked - that next year he'd dance much better.

They came out with the medals. The threw the first place medal to this girl we didn't know and the third place medal to the janitor. They originally were only going to have 2 winners but they decided that the grand winner was Ms. Rothenberg.....I said "which one?" The announcer said "the social one." I said "which one?" And she pointed to Judi. Judi won first place. I patted Aemi on the back and said now that she's got a family I guess she's not considered the "social one" anymore.

We looked at the medal and they had added the third medal since they hadn't planned on it. They had a piece of tin foil and they colored the letter "C" on it. Don't know why.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Nightmare - Ants

OK - I know this is ridiculous, but I hate ants.....when they're outside I don't care about them but put one ant in my house and I turn into a nutcase. I don't care about spiders, unless they're monsters in size, but ants kill me. It all goes back to when I was living in California and they invaded my home. I was on the phone with Raid every day because I couldn't get rid of them. I still feel queezy in the stomach just thinking about it.

Now, couple my fear and neurotic dislike of ants and couple that with ant season in my house. Doesn't matter how clean or dirty my house is, every spring I get ants. It started with the big ones, which isn't the worst of the ants, but now I'm getting those little ones and they freak me out to no end. I know it's ridiculous but I've now started ant watch and look for anything moving. I cleaned my floor on my hands and knees last night - 11:00. I joke around but if you want me to clean anything in my house - throw in some ants and I'll clean it and let everything else go. Wedding to go to? Sorry, gotta get rid of the ants. My boy is graduating? Sorry, ants.

Well - last night I found my first ant of the season, and I just sprayed the entire outside of my house with ant spray the night before - maybe this is them getting back at me for killing a whole colony down by the end of my driveway - but it was GROSS! So, of course, last night I had a nightmare.

It starts with me in my house seeing one tiny ant. I dealt with it ok. Went about my normal business. My friends leave and I'm alone. I'm back and forth between inside my house and outside in the backyard. I see a few more ants and it icks me but I'm dealing. All of a sudden, there is a trail of ants back and forth and there's a swarm of flying ants. I look at this beaded wall hanging I made of a duck (which I really did make - it's hanging in my youngest's room) and when I make a closer inspection it's been consumed by the ants and they are making the picture of the duck. I walk in my kitchen and have an oven mitt in my hand. I go to kill one of the flying ants and wack it with the oven mitt. I couldn't squish it because that would have been gross - but the ant is about 1-2" big and it was gross. It had wings. I know I can't kill them all. Bizarrely, in the middle of the dream, I have a friend for brunch. We're sitting on my front porch - very New York restaurant style concrete sidewalk front porch. I have to walk inside to get something and remember about the ants.

I wake up whining and crying. At this time my youngest (about 5:30 a.m.) has a nightmare too. I go to lay with him but all I can think about is the stupid ants and my nightmare and I can't get back to a restful sleep.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Visit

We were driving to see my brother and sister-in-law. We took a wrong exit and ended up going very far out of our way. We were looking at signs and thought we only had 2 miles to go but it turned out that we had 2 miles to go to reach the bridge. Dave was about to hit a curb that was twice the size of a normal curb, but when we hit it it made no impact.

We arrived at my brother's and he asked us what took so long. It was 11 at night. We told them we took exit 92 and they said we were supposed to take 91, the one before. My sister-in-law was about -8 months pregnant but when you looked at her from straight on you couldn't even tell. She was walking down the hallway pushing a stroller and wearing a light blue billowy shirt. We were then all sitting around talking and I went to feel the baby move. The baby was moving and she told me to press down but I started to press too hard and she told me to press softer and not touch the liquids, or something of that nature.

We were then standing outside a restaurant and a whole bunch of people came walking by holding what looked like extra large bills wrapped in saran wrap. One person opened the saran wrap and it turned out that it wasn't bills but it was really old documents that had been smuggled. All of a sudden the police swarmed and everyone was getting arrested.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Old Friends

I had a big, long dream last night. I kept waking up and I even remember trying to replay my dream so I wouldn't forget it, but of course I did. I've been having terrible dream memory lately, which goes along with my regular life of having a bad membory - early onset alzheimer's or just tiredness with too much to do? Probably the latter, but still. I do remember the end of my dream.

I was working at a counter and it was high up, like a Judge's bench but I wasn't a judge. It might have even been a club of some sort, so it could have been like a dj booth as well. I look down and see an old camp face and I yell Marc! It was Marc Greenwald. I look in his eyes and at his blonde hair and realize that it's his brother, Brian. They are so similar and the hair threw me off but I could tell by the eyes.

Then the dream continued from there. I vaguely remember an estate and a pond in front of it and having to walk on the rocks on the pond, but I could be mistaken. I'm thinking the Greenwals infiltrated my dream because they, along with a few other people I'd love to find from my past, are still elusive.

Aaaah well.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Living Proof

Yesterday I watched a movie called "Living Proof" which is about Dr. Slamon's work to get the Herceptin drug approved to treat breast cancer. It was a very interesting, very moving movie. Of course, it infiltrated my dream....

I was a patient in a hospital with cancer. I wasn't allowed to leave. I was watching another patient with her infant son and they were just sitting there and rocking. I was making phone calls, standing at a desk with a clipboard.

Then I was watching a wedding. The bride was sick. They were on the edge of a river. Some of the guests were about to jump in.

Then I was watching a patient who wanted to take a picture. It was Amy Poehler from SNL and she was sitting in a weird pose, almost like the pose from "Parks and Recreation", her new show, when she fell into the pit.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Yom Hashoa

A few days ago it was Yom Hashoa - Holocaust Remembrance Day. I ended up watching Schindler's List last night - and it went late, so of course it infiltrated my dream.

The only thing I remember: I was in one of the work camps and the liberation just occurred but Oman Goeth didn't want anyone getting out alive. I was standing there in a room crowded with people and he was about to puncture my chest with a ball point pen. I asked for a bullet instead. I held my hands up, yelled "I love you all" and was shot.

Gruesome, I know, but so was the holocaust. Here's to the survivors. I can't even imagine what you endured. If you ever get a chance to visit the Tolerance Museum in Los Angeles - it's a heavy day, but worthwhile.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Fish and a Game

We were at my brother-in-law's house. We were getting the kids to bed but the bed wasn't right. It was too tall or too long and we couldn't figure out where to put anyone. There was a bucket filled with fish tank fish and there was also a small pond. Someone was taking the bucket and they put it into the pond instead of the fish tank and there was a fuss over that. We were trying to get the fish back to where they belonged.

Then the dream changed to me standing in a small building. There was a bar at the one side where I was working. Not the kind of bar where you would order a drink but a slab of wood against a wall where you could eat. There was a small cash register as well. I was going through all of these books trying to rip out the coupon section and asked a man standing by me for help. He asked why I was doing it and I said, "My Kids."

G had a dream too. He said that someone gave him a gift certificate and he went to a game stop but it wasn't the game stop and he bought a new video game and it only cost $2. There was one cool "boy" game and all the rest were "girls." He was very excited about his dream.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The boy in the Striped Pajamas

Last night I watched the movie "The boy in the striped pajamas." It was powerful. Extremely powerful. It infiltrated my dreams.

I kept replaying the last scenes over and over. On top of that, I changed it a bit. There was a boy who was living in a different time. I couldn't say if it was the past or future, but it was strange and odd. He had to run away from authority. He kept using his quick wits and cunning to get out of difficult situations. He hid in a can. He kept finding friends who would help him out. But the scene kept replaying over and over also. It was so detailed but I can't remember the details at the moment.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Mish Mosh

I won an emmy award. I was the last one to win and I was waiting my turn to stand up in front of the press. Most of the press was gone by this time. I stood up and thanked them. They asked me what I wanted to do next. It turns out I won the emmy for a commercial. I didn't know what I wanted to do next. This one reporter kept asking me a question but I couldn't understand her. I kept asking her to repeat herself and thought it would be rude to go on to a different reporter. There were so many lights it was like being on stage where you know people are out there but you can't really see them. To do anything more would mean I'd have to move and I didn't want to move. I was wearing my coat over my dress the whole time and didn't even realize it.

Then I was in a store and watching a family - third person - who was getting ready for an engagement party. They were going to fake kidnap the bride and groom and they were getting all their supplies from a hardware store. They were just standing by the checkout counter, talking and laughing the whole time.

Then I was in charge of the haunted house - Bloodview - again. I had all these supplies I had to buy and had forgotten about and the room was about 1/3 the size of what it is now. I had nowhere to store costumes or makeup or anything. Our first night was a good night. In my dream I painted my face up like a bird and dipped my hair in the makeup to color it. It was a great look.

Then I was going out on a boat or ride with some friends to go find a restaurant but the dream gets hazy around this time.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Training and a Bus Ride

I should have blogged this morning because now I've forgotten a lot of it, but here it goes:

I was part of a group - fraternity or a campus group of some sort. We were the underdogs - just like in all of the movies. We were supposed to go to the olympics of some sort. I remember that we were in a room and we kept practicing rhythmic gymnastics. I was wondering why we weren't doing the regular gymnastics. We were using the ribbon for most of it but were incorporating some other elements as well. I kept saying that I was older and wasn't as flexible anymore so it wasn't going to work. We also had a lot of problems with our funding.

Next thing changed to me riding a bus with G. It was a city bus and we had to pick up Little One. I had no phone or purse with me but we had to get to the airport or some other place with a time deadline. I asked the driver to stop since she was passing up the street I was going to and her next stop was miles away. At first she wouldn't but then, a few streets later, she decided to stop for me. I wasn't even sure Little One was there because I had no phone or way to contact anyone.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hospitals and Fake Superheros

The dream starts off in a hospital emergency area. It's old-fashioned, with small doors and white, billowy curtains everywhere. There's a girl I know in a bed and she's there for some treatment for pain she's having. I'm also there for treatment. An Epipen gone wrong or something like that. I was sitting in the bed by my friend and her mom but then get really tired so I go to my hospital room and lie in bed and doze off. The doctor's come in to check on the girl and she's doing fine so they let her go. They come to look at me. There's 3 doctors, all older men. They're talking about me and I can hear them but I'm so tired that I don't say anything. They start to get worried because I'm not moving. They say I look sallow. They're starting to get real worried but they leave the room. I turn over onto my side or make some kind of movement and it eases their worry. Afterwards I take all this junk food and cake stuff and throw it all in the garbage can. I know that's what made me sick and I start just throwing everything away.
The dream shifts to a gymnasium of sorts. There's people everywhere. The MC is asking around the room for people's superhero names. Some are good, others are pathetic and he shoos them away. I have what mine should be "Hunter Steele" (emphasis on the silent e at the end) and, after the MC chose his last few people he was going to call on -- I was the last -- the girl right before me chose the last name of Steel (no silent e at the end) and I had to think of something super quick because it was almost my turn and I wanted to be chosen.
That's when I woke up.

Monday, March 23, 2009

And the Winner is.....

I was sitting at a bar and I received a letter. G had won a contest. He won a trip for 2 to New York. There were vouchers for flight and hotel. I got worried, though, because he had also won another trip for 4 and we were going to be taking that and I didn't want them to overlap. I kept looking at the letter and it was a plastic card that said $250 and there was a picture of an airplane. I was worried the flight would be more then that but was told not to worry. I kept trying to read the fine print.

Then, G and I were walking in a countryside setting. It felt like we were back in the "old west". There were people shooting at targets, but there was no rhyme or reason to where the targets were set up. I couldn't understand how no one was shot, but they weren't. We were walking up the side of a very tall mountain. There were train tracks everywhere that they used like stepping stones. It was a mish mosh scene, out of place and out of time. I was talking to the head of the group and I know a lot had happened at this place but I can't remember all of what it was. Some of it had a negative feeling but the dream, overall, had a positive feeling.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

An Accident

I was at a family's house watching the children for them. I was on the phone with J.B., snogging on the phone. I think at one point in the past we had slept in a bed naked together but nothng happened. The children were eating, it was some kind of holiday, and the older girl got a bit freaked out. I got off the phone and started explaining to them. The girl said it couldn't be anything because I have 2 little kids at home, but I left anyway. I was driving along and there were some old ladies coming out of a house and crossing the street. I stopped for them to let them cross and waived them along. I looked in my rearview mirror and there was an elderly lady driving and she was looking down and didn't see me stopped at all. I took my foot off the brake and she slammed into me. All in all, there were 4 cars in the accident. The car with the old lady was crushed into a small box. Nancy D was there and had seen everything. I had my phone out and tried to call 911 - I pressed a button for it, but it called my mom instead. I didn't recognize any of the streets at all. I was dazed and confused and my insides hurt. I think I drove away because I went home. I tried calling J.B., I think he was in afghanistan, but all the numbers on my phone had disappeared. Dave was waiting for me and he was furious. He didn't know about the accident and he didn't know that I tried to call the police but couldn't get through to them.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I was at a bridal shower. It was on the front lawn of someone's house. I was taking pictures. I had to keep walking in and out of the house and there was a small table with someone's information on it - it looked like Q's but I think it was Paul's. They did the hair and makeup. The hair of the bride to be was 2 stories tall. There were 3 wigs in all and they were all connected. There were ribbons weaving in and out of it and the hair was woven in and out. She could walk out of one wig and then just step into another. There was something significant about the house - either location or design or the people there, but it eludes me now.

Then the dream switches. I was in line at a McDonald's but they were taking orders like at Wendy's. There were a lot of people in line. There was an Israeli scout. We started talking and then we were on a trip together. It was kind of like a scavenger hunt but it was also a school. I couldn't get my phone to work. I kept getting clues but then I lost them and I couldn't figure out how to turn in my homework. We were in Venice at one point and then driving around San Francisco except that it looked like the part of San Diego that has that really good pattiserie. All the storefronts were completely vacant, there was not one store open.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Memory Lane

I was in a play. I was buying "boss's day" cards and the one card I found was very funny and I thought PMG would like it a lot - for its sarcastic wit. Two people, a guy and a girl, each had to return cards as well and were also there. I had bought the wrong card at first and returned it. Then I bought another card and realized I wanted to get the third card instead, but instead of returning it, I just wanted to pay the difference between them. My high school friend, Paul C. was there. He had "quick changes" to do and wore about 10 different outfits. I vividly remember him walking down a hallway with his football player physique and all those clothes on him.

I was on vacation and we were at my mom's. I got something oily on my outfit (it was a white short jumpsuit set) and couldn't wear it because the oil got over the right side of my chest. All my other clothes were dirty too. I had forgotten to do laundry the night before. I asked my mom if I could borrow something and we were looking in drawer after drawer but couldn't find any summer clothes at all. One drawer was small and had a mustard yellow robe in it.

Then I was walking out of a store and saw a friend of mine from LA, Conrad H. (pictured above). He was with his brother but it wasn't his brother, it was a friend and they found it funny that I thought it was his brother, who also happened to be there. We went to a restaurant to catch up with each other.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Near death and a bicycle

I was lying still, unable to move. My leg was crushed by something and my ankle was broke in millions of pieces. I was in a room with about 3-4 people. I called Dave but in the middle I stood up, coughing blood and collapsed - paralyzed. I was near death and all I could think about was that I wanted to get something tattood on me. I decided I needed my boys and I was searching and searching for pictures of them (Note: This is probably from last night that I felt the need to search through pictures) but I couldn't find the ones that I was looking for. In their respective pictures, they were both 18 months old. I decided to get their initials tattood on my back shoulder blades. No one could understand why I wanted them tattood.

Then I was at the olympics watching the bicycle racing. I was talking to one of the racers and she said that I'd be able to race too, that it wasn't that hard. They had made it to the semi-finals. I watched their race. Out first came two racers who were there solely to stop the team from racing, trying their hardest. Oh, one team only raced at a time - it was a timed race. Then the team came out. They biked very close together, at times almost looking like they were all on one bicycle - except that the person in front would keep moving to be the person in back and so on it went so that not one person would have to bear the burden of being the lead biker.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I remember nothing from the dream last night except that I was riding a moped. I kept getting on and off of it.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Hospital and Reminiscing

I went to the hospital to see a friend. My rabbi was there and he was in the critical care. The hospital decided that I needed to be there to for my leg. I wasn’t able to get up and walk around, even though I did still. I had to lay still or I could lose my legs. They switched us to another room on another floor and I was next to the rabbi and we had lots of visitors and people coming in and out to see us. I hadn’t realized that my condition was serious. (Note: This dream was a lot more involved. Maybe it just moved at a slower pace.)

Then the dream switched to a basement of a friend’s house. They were having a garage sale and I was adding my own items to it. The first person I was giving things to I knew would pay me my money if anything sold. I wasn’t sure about the second person. One of the things I put on the table was a very large fake diamond-looking item that was a bit dusty. I was showing some of these friends my makeup book of the things I’ve worked on but all the pictures were fuzzy and out of focus. I realized that someone had taken pictures underneath and moved them to the top so I found the pictures I was looking for but by then they weren’t interested and I was pushing my work on them for them to see.

Note: I think I had the first part of the dream for two reasons. Firstly, my left hip was hurting last night and the pain probably infiltrated my brain a bit. Second, I found out that someone I knew (didn’t know well, but she was only 39) died last week suddenly of a heart aneurism. She was a dance instructor – in good shape, very, very sweet person. It’s very sad. I’m not afraid of death but I’m afraid of leaving loose ends, having my family have more problems of trying to figure things out, financially or knowing where things are. I hope that when I die it’s a bit slower in terms of being able to say goodbye or tell people those last minute things of where things can be found. I’m afraid of missing out on my boys’ lives. I know I won’t go any time soon, but you just never know and hearing of this person dying probably brought some of those fears into my dream.)

Wednesday's Dream - Work, Work, Work

I was working at a law firm and I was working on about 50 or 60 legal briefs. Each one was only 1-2 pages long with the same exhibits for each but the 1-2 pages were minutely different and had to be changed. I then changed jobs in the middle and went to a new firm but kept working on the briefs. I was told that it was under the table and we couldn’t let the old firm know and we couldn’t charge. They had to be filed in the matter of hours and I forgot that I had to make copies for service and create designation forms. I had to sneak back into the old firm to get something.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

City of Ember

Last night, my husband and I watched City of Ember. We rarely agree on what movie to watch so it was a treat that we both wanted to see this. We had tried getting our older son to watch it over the weekend for our weekly "movie night" but he just wasn't going for it. It turns out that that was a wise decision. It was really above a child's intellect. Parts of it were just plain confusing, other parts were predictable. Overall it was a nice movie and worth the price - $0 thanks to I woke up this morning and had dreamt through the movie all night and changed it and owned parts of it. My husband, also strangely enough, also dreamt of the movie. Odd, very odd.

In my version: I was the leading girl and then there was a leading boy. He played in a rock band or was famous or something. He took a liking to me and we were playing pool. We were out past curfew and had to hide continuously throughout the dream.

Monday, February 9, 2009

I was in a dentist office and no one would see me. I was waiting but everyone was just talking. I couldn't find my chart so I went to the front office, which was a different company then the back, and they told me to go find the person in charge of my insurance and we'd go find the chart together. We went to a back room and there were stuffed animals that had never been given as gifts that had tags on them. I just kept looking at these gifts and didn't know whey they hadn't been handed out. I couldn't find my chart and I was becoming furious. I don't remember what happened next but my friend's brother, D.A., had a crush on me.
Note: I think I had this dream because I had a follow up to my eye surgery today. My doctor is leaving and I'm worried about the next doctor I'll have.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Jail and a Bus Ride

I was arrested for something. I was sitting in jail and this guy wrote a check and he ended up writing it on my account. It wasn't a traditional jail. I wasn't behind bars, but I was definitely in trouble. I kept saying that I was "hoodwinked," and "taken for." One of the "guards" took me to a hearing and as I was walking there I had to walk through a room filled with school-aged children. G was there but I wasn't allowed to say hi or hug him or anything. I tried to make myself so he wouldn't see me and get upset. I was balling at the notion of not being able to hug him.

Then I was on a bus. I asked the gentlemen next to me for $.17 for the bus ride. It felt like it was in the "olden times" where everything cost dramatically less. He didn't have the money so I took out my change purse and gave him $.20. He then gave me $.14 cents back and we laughed a bit. I was thankful and kissed him on the cheek. He looked at me and said "Do you know who I am?" At that point I surmised he was a pastor. I said that I didn't care. And then Little One woke me up. I wanted to go back to that point, but couldn't

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Map Dot Fingerprint Dystrophy - Stromal Puncture

So I know I haven't been blogging lately. I have been dreaming, but I haven't really felt like blogging any of them. I had previously blogged that I had hope because I found a great doctor. Well, last week I found out she's moving to Iowa. Talk about disappointment. As of that date I hadn't had an erosion (except one very early in January with a pain level of 3 so nothing really to talk about) and hadn't been able to have my surgery (stromal puncture). I didn't know what I was going to do. And then, Sunday morning, I had one of my worst erosions to date. Serious pain (level 9 for me). I called the answering service and the on-call doctor just said to wait until Monday. Monday morning I made the appointment. Barring some major stress dealing with the insurance company - and I mean major - the stromal puncture went well. I still have some pain today and blurry vision. The aftertaste of my medicinal eyedrops is disgusting. I'm hoping this is the beginning of the end.

And now, I literally know the meaning of "Swear to G-d, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye."

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Quick Trip

We were driving back from vacation. We were in the hotel and I ordered Dave 2 new pairs of underwear from the t.v. He had gone up a size, to a 7. We didn't check the room like we normally did - we just left very quickly. Dave did all the driving and it went superfast. We stopped in the middle of the trip for a graduation party that my mom and step-mom threw for me. They had used the games from a cousin's graduation party and it was a ton of fun - I was surprised. Then we were home. I told Dave I hadn't even realized he had driven the whole way home and that it was so much faster then when we drove down.