Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Fish and a Game

We were at my brother-in-law's house. We were getting the kids to bed but the bed wasn't right. It was too tall or too long and we couldn't figure out where to put anyone. There was a bucket filled with fish tank fish and there was also a small pond. Someone was taking the bucket and they put it into the pond instead of the fish tank and there was a fuss over that. We were trying to get the fish back to where they belonged.

Then the dream changed to me standing in a small building. There was a bar at the one side where I was working. Not the kind of bar where you would order a drink but a slab of wood against a wall where you could eat. There was a small cash register as well. I was going through all of these books trying to rip out the coupon section and asked a man standing by me for help. He asked why I was doing it and I said, "My Kids."

G had a dream too. He said that someone gave him a gift certificate and he went to a game stop but it wasn't the game stop and he bought a new video game and it only cost $2. There was one cool "boy" game and all the rest were "girls." He was very excited about his dream.

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