Monday, March 5, 2007

MS Walk

I know this is not the blog I am running, but this is an important cause to me.

Yes, this is a plea for money. Even $1. It all adds up.
I know too many people who have MS. From family members to an extremely close friend of mine. I'm walking on her team. I did it 8 months pregnant last year and I thought that was a pretty good slant to try to get some donations. This year I'll do it with my two kids. Please look at the website below and support me and support trying to fight for and find a cure for MS.
Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Great cause. My grandmother died of complications of MS long ago...but I couldn't find the link to donate? - Kevin

HitThaFloor said...

Thanks for the support Kevin. I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. I added the link. I thought it was on there before, but I guess not.

Once again. I really, really appreciate it.

HitThaFloor said...

If you read this, Kevin, thanks for the donation! You have totally made my day. Sweet dreams.