Friday, March 9, 2007

Big Boy Room revisited

Let's see if this works. I put up a picture of G's new room. It's at my entry about his Big Boy Room. That's it.

I'm off to another night of medicine induced sleep. There is something not right about the pain in my throat and I'm calling the doctor again tomorrow a.m. If he's not there, I'm calling another doctor. I shouldn't be in this much pain. Plus, my ears feel like they're going to burst. Little One had fevers all day and the only thing keeping it at bay was motrin. The poor little guy is just miserable. I don't know what to do.

Here's to hoping I feel better soon and hoping that I have some good dreams tonight. Maybe I'll write a note to my wish fairy for some. Oh, I haven't told you about the wish fairy yet???? That's for another day.


Anonymous said...

Wish fairy??? Please enlighten....Kevin

HitThaFloor said...

Sorry about the misnomer - I was tired. It is the dream fairy. See my latest post. (Though I guess you really could switch back and forth between wish fairy and dream fairy - but my dream fairy only dealt with dreams).