Sunday, March 25, 2007

Dream No. 3 - The Community Wedding and the Postman

I was at a community where there were preparations for a large wedding. At least three couples were getting married and they were all getting married on the same day. It was a very small, tight knit community. The mailman would pass out packages, like a folder or a redweld, but they didn't have names or addresses on them. He just knew who they went to and when I tried to give it back or question him, everyone got mad. The mailman knew everyone and no stamps or addresses were ever needed.

We were at dinner and one of the couples was there. I was being introduced to everyone. The community had been on television and one of the couples lived in the historic house that was featured, in which we were also eating, on the second floor. I was so taken aback by the fact that they were all getting married on the same day - were they doing it to save money?

We were walking through a park and the kids wanted to play. I trusted G to be safe with the other kids and let him go out and play on his own.

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