I woke up at Camp Wise. We were all standing in a circle, getting ready for the day. It was the last Shabbat (Saturday) at camp and I was telling everyone how excited I was for being there on Shabbat, since, as a specialist, I had never, ever been there on a Saturday. That was always my day off. I was thinking back to when I was an SIT or CIT and even then I had Saturdays off, so I was very, very excited. Little One was there with me and I know that G was there too. I felt him, but I didn't see him.
I took the stroller and was pushing Little One down through the woods to the Lake. I didn't go through Noar, which would have been easier. I went through Chalutzim so I had the hardest part of the trail to maneuver with the stroller. As I was walking I was noticing that the forest looked different then before. It had all been burnt. There had been a fire there. But the fire only burnt the one side of everything. From the top towards the bottom, but it didn't come up the other way. (I don't know if it was north to south or what, but if you are walking down the path, the fire had been on the camp side and there was no burnt trees coming from the lake side - kind of like moss only grows on the north side or whatever.) I was so disturbed by the fact that there was a fire there.
I got to the lake and there was no beach. There was at least 3 feet of water instead. There was even a 3 like you'd see on a pool but it was on a tree. I was so nervous that I didn't have Little One prepared - no sun screen, no hat, and all he had on was a little onesie. No protection whatsoever. I swam in with Little One and went to see old friends. They were mostly talking to other people and dealing with their own lives. They paid little attention to me. The person who ran the lake was in her office and she was complaining about how high the water was.
As I was getting ready to leave the lake I put Little One in the Bjorn and didn't even think about the stroller. I passed some really old people who were on their way down to the lake. They were talking about either really, really important issues or really, really unimportant issues, and I can't remember which one.
Then I cut to a scene where there were a ton of kids and they were all making plaster imprints on a huge sheet of wood. One of the teachers said he was going to show them how to decorate stone. After everyone made their imprint, plaster was rushed across like water over everything. One mom was helping her child do what he had to do. Most everything was completely covered in plaster but there were four girls whose design stood out. They had intricately connected their legs and in the middle of it had a website address. I remember thinking what a great keepsake that was going to be.
And then I woke up.
Actually the 3 foot deep lake sounds rather peaceful, although a beach with it would be nice..maybe I'll switch to Maus and ditch this book on the opera house....well...nah, need to see how it turns out...then Maus...
You definitely have to find out how it turns out. I finished Maus Part I but there's a part II I need to get. It's a very, very fast read.
The lake wasn't bad - it's just that everyone in it was ignorning me - plus I had a baby with me. Well, that's pretty much my life, I guess. Not necessarily the ignorning part - but usually having a baby with me.
Did they rebuild the opera house?
don't know if they rebuilt the opera house...haven't finished yet....I read the reviews on Maus...sounds thought-provoking...it is ashame - if you've seen it on the newswires - that Anne Frank's chestnut tree will likely be felled:(
Let me know what happens when you do get to the end. I haven't heard about Anne Frank's tree. I'll have to google it tomorrow at work.
there are leaches in that lake too, you know....i cant believe you tried to take a stroller down the chalutzim path, though i have to say the path was no where near as difficult as when i was a kid...did you pay your $50 yet? we can try the stroller on that path anbd seewhat happens...
When I went for a visit a few year's ago someone did try to take a stroller down. I didn't know the lake had leaches. Wait - yes I did, I just blocked it out. I ran into Josh Marks, hunky archery guy, tonight at the grocery store. He wants to know when I'm going. I need to figure out if it's the 80s or 90s that I'm going to. I need to figure it out, definitely going though.
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