Congratulations are in order! G slept in his new room last night for the first time and it wasn't terrible. I know he can sleep somewhere other then his own room because he has his room at his Mamma's and his Baubie's, but he had a ticking clock (yes, I did just type clicking tock - it's early) and he only has blinds which don't keep all the light out - we still need to find drapes for him. His room isn't totally put together - there are dresser drawers lying around - so it was all strange and new. He only woke up twice, once I think because he was scared at 4 am and then again at 6 to pee (which is very unusual for him to wake up mid-night and have to do that) but boy I swear it went on for 10 minutes and you should have heard our conversation:
Mom: Boy that's a lotta pee. Is it ever going to end?
G: I don't know. You should have seen how much I had in me. It was soooo big. (holds hands about 1 1/2 feet apart)
Mom: What was big, your bladder or your penis?
G: My penis.
Mom: You wish.
I'll have to remind him of this conversation when he's bigger.
Well, needless to say, I was woken up too many times to get any decent sleep. I did have one image pop into my head, but then it popped right out. There you go. I need more sleep, that's for sure.
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