Thursday, April 19, 2007

Salt Water

So a few weeks ago I jabbed my toothbrush into my gums. It hurt. It hurt so much my stomach was getting queezy. I had a checkup at the dentist and I kept telling them to be careful. My dentist told me to rinse it with salt water. That it would heal faster that way. I dismissed it. It healed on its own.

Skip to the present. Four of my bosses have been sick and Dave is still getting over his bronchitis. My throat starts to hurt and I've got a weekend trip to Niagra Falls scheduled (SIDE NOTE: I will be offline for a few days, but I'll be back). Anyway, as I don't want to get sick for Niagra Falls (or anything, really, for that matter) - I try everything to keep it at bay. I'm taking Airborne religiously, trying to get my sleep, downing the grape juice. (A long time ago I was under the weather and at my Baubie's house. I drank, like, a whole container of grape juice and the next morning I woke up completely healthy - I swear by grape juice, even though I haven't used it at this length in a while). Then I think about my sore throat and I gargle with salter water. Now, to the point of this whole blog.

Every time I gargle with salter water I think of Jean, the Camp Wise nurse, or any other Camp Wise nurse for that matter. Any ailment would be cured with salt water. It didn't quite matter what the ailment was, but you better be feeling pretty awful to go to the nurse for the salt water treatment.

Now, it's working. Even if it is just slight or I'm just keeping it at bay for now. My throat doesn't feel like a mac truck tire. Now I think we've just got a Radio Flyer.


molly said...

isnt it amazing the wya that woman can show up in thoughts? hohw 'bout her dog? that poodle....pumpkin?

HitThaFloor said...

I forgot about her dog. What an impact that woman had.