Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Just had to plug my cuties

I know this is off topic, but considering that dreams can be just about anything, I decided to figure out a few dreams I have for my kids. In no particular order:

To be independent.

To be kind and empathetic.
To be happy.
To be loving and to be loved.
To be healthy, healthy, healthy.

That is a mantra I feel needs repeating right now. (We just changed Little One's medicine - he has spit-up issues. They haven't called it GERD yet, but you might as well. He's only 8 1 2/ months old and he's already been on (or is still on) Lactulose, Zantac, Pepcid and now we're trying Prevacid - along with really, REALLY expensive formula. For example - we went through three outfits of his today and two of mine. He's 8 1/2 months old. This needs to stop. And G has a cold with a slight fever. Nothing keeping him out of school, buy boy is it making him - and everyone else - grumpy. He's being demanding and a little know-it-all (yea, I know - I want him to be independent, but still).

To be educated.

To love reading and puzzles.

Thinking about these dreams for my kids and others I that I hope for, I realize that they are what I hope would be every parents' wish for their children. So let's go in a slightly different direction:

To beat to their own drum without worrying about others.

To not have the need to draw inside the lines all the time.
To paint with every color that Crayola has to offer. (I love their crayons the best - so I'm intentionally being brand specific) (yes, M - there's that word for you.)
To never need glasses to see with.
To once in a while choose healthy food over junk.
To always take great pictures.
To think of others, but not letting that get in the way of who they are.

Well, this is a start and it's long enough for now.

Maybe I'll interject my dreams with thoughts like these once in a while. Who says I have to stick to a script of dreams and dreamscapes only..... I've seen other blogs where a blogger has more than one. How do you choose? I'll just lump it all together.

Let's hope for some good dreams tonight.

1 comment:

molly said...

speaking of kids and beating drums, do you and the babes want to come to solstace on the 21 of march?....gabriel's not afraid of animals is he?