Monday, February 5, 2007


I was Cinderella. I'm not sure if it was a play or supposed to be my real life. There was a prince charming and one other person. Prince Charming and the other person were doing acrobatics on ropes, Cirque Du Soleil style, like in my other dream I was in a very large, very ornate bathroom. It was more like a suite of rooms, but I'm pretty sure it was a bathroom. There was some goal I needed to accomplish.
There was so much more to this dream that I just can't remember. I don't even remember if it had a positive vibe to it or a negative vibe. It was very long and my vision of the bathroom was very detailed, even though I can't access those details right now. I don't even want to know why I dreamed about the aerial acrobatics again. I'm curious as to know what they mean, but at the same time I don't. Is it a type of juggling where I feel I'm juggling aspects of my life right now?? Is it the danger aspect? Why would I dream about those twice? The Cinderella I can understand because I did watch A Cinderella Story on tv last night (or at least parts of it) and who wouldn't want to be in a bad part of their life to have everything turn out ok - or even great - in the end??? I just wish I could remember more to this dream.

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