Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Just had to plug my cuties

I know this is off topic, but considering that dreams can be just about anything, I decided to figure out a few dreams I have for my kids. In no particular order:

To be independent.

To be kind and empathetic.
To be happy.
To be loving and to be loved.
To be healthy, healthy, healthy.

That is a mantra I feel needs repeating right now. (We just changed Little One's medicine - he has spit-up issues. They haven't called it GERD yet, but you might as well. He's only 8 1 2/ months old and he's already been on (or is still on) Lactulose, Zantac, Pepcid and now we're trying Prevacid - along with really, REALLY expensive formula. For example - we went through three outfits of his today and two of mine. He's 8 1/2 months old. This needs to stop. And G has a cold with a slight fever. Nothing keeping him out of school, buy boy is it making him - and everyone else - grumpy. He's being demanding and a little know-it-all (yea, I know - I want him to be independent, but still).

To be educated.

To love reading and puzzles.

Thinking about these dreams for my kids and others I that I hope for, I realize that they are what I hope would be every parents' wish for their children. So let's go in a slightly different direction:

To beat to their own drum without worrying about others.

To not have the need to draw inside the lines all the time.
To paint with every color that Crayola has to offer. (I love their crayons the best - so I'm intentionally being brand specific) (yes, M - there's that word for you.)
To never need glasses to see with.
To once in a while choose healthy food over junk.
To always take great pictures.
To think of others, but not letting that get in the way of who they are.

Well, this is a start and it's long enough for now.

Maybe I'll interject my dreams with thoughts like these once in a while. Who says I have to stick to a script of dreams and dreamscapes only..... I've seen other blogs where a blogger has more than one. How do you choose? I'll just lump it all together.

Let's hope for some good dreams tonight.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Hotel, Amish Teens and Performance

I was at a hotel and they were trying to get me to sign a contract to live there. I held up the contract and handed it back to them unsigned and said that it would never happen. They had fancy stores in the hotel, but they couldn't get people to live there. I was driving down a road and there were four amish teenagers walking on the lane in front of me. It looked like they were only wearing shirts. They were really long, but it turned out that they had shorts on under them. They didn't pay any attention to me. They just kept walking. Then I was performing somewhere. I was in my dressing room and there was some greasy food. Rachel W. walked in and she said she loved that kind of food and started eating it. I had put a Jewish emblem of some kind, like a fake tattoo or sticker, on my shirt. I was very picky as to which one I chose, but I can't remember now what it looked like. I think I was performing at a kid's party. Then I was driving down the road again and there were the Amish teens again. They found their family and walked into a field from the road.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Race and Logan Echolls

There was some kind of race. I was in it, but I wasn't. I know I had on street clothes. I had to get to the finish and I wanted to run. So I started running and there were three girls behind me who were trying to catch up. I had a very odd gait. If I didn't keep my arm out at a weird angle I couldn't run straight.

When I got to the finish it was a party, kind of like a cross between a college party and a cocktail party. There was a band there and four people sitting in a line playing poker. When I walked up to them they all gave one of the guys money on a bet they had made about me. There was also a guy playing the guitar at the finish line.

I went to the finish line a second time in the dream too and they bet again about something again, but I don't remember what.

I asked this one guy out on a date and he was making fun of me, but in an adoring way. He wasn't able to go out the night I asked him, but he was the next night. We decided on a movie. (He had told me the title, but now I can't remember what it was.)

All of a sudden, though, there was Logan Echolls (not the actor, but the character) and the guy I had asked out was nowhere to be seen so Logan and I started making out.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Phil In The Circle

YouTube just featured an artist named Phil Hansen. He is amazing and talented and I have become an instant fan of his work. Check him out YouTube, http://www.philinthecircle.com. He's also on my sidebar.

Big Boy Room

Congratulations are in order! G slept in his new room last night for the first time and it wasn't terrible. I know he can sleep somewhere other then his own room because he has his room at his Mamma's and his Baubie's, but he had a ticking clock (yes, I did just type clicking tock - it's early) and he only has blinds which don't keep all the light out - we still need to find drapes for him. His room isn't totally put together - there are dresser drawers lying around - so it was all strange and new. He only woke up twice, once I think because he was scared at 4 am and then again at 6 to pee (which is very unusual for him to wake up mid-night and have to do that) but boy I swear it went on for 10 minutes and you should have heard our conversation:

Mom: Boy that's a lotta pee. Is it ever going to end?

G: I don't know. You should have seen how much I had in me. It was soooo big. (holds hands about 1 1/2 feet apart)

Mom: What was big, your bladder or your penis?

G: My penis.

Mom: You wish.

I'll have to remind him of this conversation when he's bigger.

Well, needless to say, I was woken up too many times to get any decent sleep. I did have one image pop into my head, but then it popped right out. There you go. I need more sleep, that's for sure.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Moving and Authority

So what I can remember most is that I'm packing up my mom's house to move. I'm helping a few other people, but they aren't packing boxes really, they're just kind of sitting around. There is a plastic box - a bin with a plastic colored top that is attached to it - I need to put items in there but someone else keeps getting the wrong things. I keep throwing paperwork into it, but it never seems to get full. My mom has some help moving. She is moving to this really ritzy area. It's gate-controlled and everyone has tons of money.

G is not moving with her but he is going to a new school. There are a lot of rules and orders. I believe it's a boarding school. What I can remember is that G, who is 5, the youngest and the shortest, is about to take a shower. There is a way to do things, and G is not wanting to do them that way. He's not being adversary, but he's young and just doesn't know any better. There are 3 older and bigger boys who are making fun of him. The showers are down a long hallway with a changing room at the front, almost like a store changing area, the way that all the showers are on one side and there's the hall on the other. G runs off down the hall - buck naked - and I pull the 3 boys over and berate them. I tell them that they're bigger and it's their responsibility to teach and guide G. That they shouldn't be making fun of him but helping him. They realize what they've done.

Scene switches to a videotape being made. A reality show where everyone is living in this new, expensive, rich community that my mom moved to. What I remember is that they're filming people (normal, every day people - not like the people that you might see on "The Real Housewives of Orange County") and they have to do yoga on the edge of a cliff. It's a cliff that has a steep drop on both sides. Many times people come close to falling. This one larger man starts to sway backward and seems like he's going to fall. As an audience we think that even if he falls, it's all a stunt and that he would only fall a few feet, but then they pan out and you can see that it's miles to the bottom. One girl does start to fall but she catches herself and she can't even yell to get the attention of other people because it would make her lose her grip, but she holds on and she's rescued.

Some slight analysis here - I'm signing G up for kindergarten and when I was talking about it last year and the year before I didn't think it was going to be a big deal since he's in daycare/preschool now and we've been calling it school, etc., but I think it's a bigger deal then I thought it was going to be. He's my baby and he's growing up. I will try to know the teachers as well here, but I don't know how easy that will be. He's going to have homework - well, as much as they would give in K but still.....

Also, my mom has been packing to move for at least half a year now, so maybe that's why it feels like neverending packing, even though I'm not really helping with much.

Maybe the girl who started to fall off the cliff, even though it was a younger girl, is me, because there is so much going on that I have to deal with right now that I just want someone to save me? It's not completely unmanageable items, but they are piling one on top of the other and just need to be sorted out and dealt with.

I know those are surface interpretations but they seem to make the most sense to me.

Oh, and Molly, I figured out the problems I was having with my blog editor. I'm just an idiot who didn't know how that I flipped to the "Edit HTML" tab instead of the compose tab. Duh!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Too Realistic


I don't have a picture because I can't remember much from last night. It was a long, long dream and what I really take out of it is the realism of the dream. It was as if I was living my life, but in my dream. There was nothing out of the ordinary, nothing that was surreal or obscure. I was going to a funeral. I had to wear a dress and I found this striped number that was sleeveless. I felt uncomfortable so I put a bolero type jacket on to cover my shoulders and my arms. I was really, really hippy, though and I remember thinking it was because I was wearing a jersey dress and jersey dresses don't really work for big butts and huge hips.

The dream went on from there, or started before there. But it was so mundane. I was trying so hard this morning to reach that dream. I kept thinking if I could just find better words to use, or words to describe what I saw, but then I realized I couldn't even picture it in my head. I have absolutely no glimpse of my dream. I wonder why that is sometimes. I was lying in a near wakeful state this morning. I didn't replay it in my head like I sometimes do but it was so clear then, so, yes I'll use the word again, realistic, but I just couldn't grab anything from my conscious memory to recall what my dream memory had dreamt.

PS - Molly, I'm having some trouble with my blog layout. It's changed from a few weeks ago - like the way my computer shows me the embedded codes and not the actual format of what it's going to look like, so would you please remind me to take a look at it on Sunday?? Thanks.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Dish Network, Dinner and Luggage

So I am walking around and there's a pond, lake of sorts, and in it is floating thousands upon thousands of Dish Network dishes. I'm not sure if this is where they are thrown out or if this is where they are put to work. I wonder how the boats get through and realize that they just pile on through and the Dish Networks dishes get moved whereever they get moved. I call a company to complain about my bill and I have to do some math. I have to take the calculator ribbon, put in my account number on the keypad and print it on the paper and then I have to put that paper into the water with the rest of the Dish Network dishes.

Cut to family coming over for dinner. My mom is there and my brother from Florida is there. We all eat and then, as everyone is getting ready to go, I look outside and there's a park. I see this HUGE pile of leaves and there's a few kids playing in it with one adult watching them. I tell G to put on his coat because we're going outside! We all end up going for a walk, but before we can get to the pile of leaves we sit down to dinner again, but outside by the leaves. I remember thinking to myself that it was odd that we had just eaten but were eating again already. We go to jump in the pile of leaves and realize that it is sopping wet. I know that when I first looked at them they were dry. I'm not sure if we jumped in them or not, but it was a small wet pile of leaves at the end.

My mom is trying to get some luggage out from a truck, or from her house. There's a ladder there. It's not a short ladder, it's about the length of a driveway and it doesn't just go up, it's horizontal as well and I'm about to get on to help my mom with the luggage, but she's on the ladder already starting to climb to get the luggage out.

And then Little One woke me up.

Happy Monday.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Side Note - Impressions

Everyone wants to live a meaningful life. Everyone wants to leave a mark. Good friends, interesting stories, love, laughter, safety, shelter. Everyone wants to be that person that is remembered as amazing, memorable, passionate, wonderful, kind-hearted. The list goes on and on.

Not everyone is like that.

One time I started a new job (well, at least two times this has happened...and fialed) and wanted to be the quiet worker who did a good job and went home at the end of the day. I've never been the kind to go out drinking with the co-workers after work, but I didn't want to be the person who I intrinsically am. I'm loud and not always nice. I say what I feel, even though I do try to use tact. I complain (on my behalf and on behalf of others). I'm opinionated and bossy and not always the nicest person. I tried so hard to be the quiet worker, but it doesn't work. I try and try and yet my loud, boisterous, annoying self comes out.

I think I'm going to be remembered as that passionate person who was who she was. She said what she meant and meant what she said, but she wasn't quiet. I'm a bit eccentric, a bit odd and have a very distinct personality. Some people live me and some people hate me and some people just don't want to have anything to do with me.

I sometimes wonder what other people see of me and if that goes along with: a) how I see myself; and b)how I want to be seen by others. And sometimes I really don't want to know.

I wish I wasn't so bad at communication sometimes, especially written communication, because even as I write this it's not quite coming across the way I'd like it to.

Ah well. Que sera.

Home Movies and Pumpkin Heads

The first part I remember: I had 2 vivid images of Little One of some home movies from last month. It was just his face, but they were so vivid and they were movies I had actually taken. This was only about 2 seconds after lying down, so it was very odd.

Lots of stuff happened in the middle.

The ending: I was driving down a street going somewhere. I had to carve pumpkins. It was a competition of sorts. They were pumpkins that were going to be worn on your partner’s head. What I hadn’t realized until it was too late was that I was supposed to carve my partner’s vision of his pumpkin, not my own. I had put the pumpkin on his head (the vine part was on the bottom and the bigger part was on the top). I carved a wavy pattern and the cutting was so smooth, and so easy to perform. I don’t remember what the face part was like – just the top of it. The pumpkin I had was large and light in color. I hadn’t realized that my partner was angry. I was so proud of myself. We were all sitting around a large room. Then Little One woke up and here I am typing.

I wish I could remember the middle, because it was very long, but so's the life of a dreamer.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Ceiling beams and the unknown

I had a hard time quieting my mind last night so I fell asleep thinking of my oldest son (I've been doing this a bit more often on Thursday nights lately - the night he's at my mother-in-law's).

Here's what I can remember, but a lot of it is really, really hazy. Not very interesting I'm afraid. I had to fix ceiling beams. I had to work upside down and I was laying white gauze, almost like you would cover a cake with fondant. I had to make it very smooth. I kept working in the same spot each time. I know that Dave was in the dream somehow. Maybe he was supposed to help me out.

I KNOW there was more, but I just can't access it. Maybe I'm feeling stuck and that's what the dream is about, but why would I dream about something I know is happening.

Monday, February 5, 2007


I was Cinderella. I'm not sure if it was a play or supposed to be my real life. There was a prince charming and one other person. Prince Charming and the other person were doing acrobatics on ropes, Cirque Du Soleil style, like in my other dream http://dreams-dreamscapes.blogspot.com/2007/01/acrobats.html. I was in a very large, very ornate bathroom. It was more like a suite of rooms, but I'm pretty sure it was a bathroom. There was some goal I needed to accomplish.
There was so much more to this dream that I just can't remember. I don't even remember if it had a positive vibe to it or a negative vibe. It was very long and my vision of the bathroom was very detailed, even though I can't access those details right now. I don't even want to know why I dreamed about the aerial acrobatics again. I'm curious as to know what they mean, but at the same time I don't. Is it a type of juggling where I feel I'm juggling aspects of my life right now?? Is it the danger aspect? Why would I dream about those twice? The Cinderella I can understand because I did watch A Cinderella Story on tv last night (or at least parts of it) and who wouldn't want to be in a bad part of their life to have everything turn out ok - or even great - in the end??? I just wish I could remember more to this dream.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Snowball Fight and Surgery

Here's what I remeber: It's winter and I'm standing outside my house. Dave and I are planning our wedding and it's bare bones minimum, no money spent, but we are flying two of my friends (Noel and some other girl) from other parts of the country in to the wedding. Their flight costs $500 each and I have no idea of how we are going to afford it. Dave starts throwing these really big snowballs at me, not in a mean way, but we were playing around. The house was big and wooden with posts and an eve over the front door. It was a really deep brown and very pretty.
Cut to: Little One is having surgery on his intestines. It turned out they were all twisted up which was what was creating all his problems. A nurse was doing it in a room that had a window and it was all very non-challant. She was talking to us and we were watching and she said that the surgery was no big deal, they did it at least 3 times a week. Then Little One wakes up and he's hungry, but we're restricted on what we can feed him because of the surgery and all he wants to do is eat.
Note: Last night I watched Grey's anatomy and there was an intestinal surgery in the episode so maybe that's why it was in my dream last night.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


OK - I have no kids last night - they went to my in-laws' early. I get a full 7 1/2 hours of sleep (and a full 8 if you count me falling asleep in the middle of watching the finale to a show (and then waking up to at least see the winner), and yet I barely dream last night.
The only thing I remember: My camera battery died. And that's not too far from the truth because as I was sitting in my son's preschool birthday bash, it came very, very close.
What's up? Where's the good dreams? I wouldn't even mind having Jason Bateman back.....