Monday, July 14, 2008

G's dream - school

G woke me up this morning telling me about his dream: His school was in a treehouse. There were big buzzing bugs that had big stingers on the front of their heads but he knocked it down and didn't get stung.


molly said...

good for him!!

it means he knows he can manage all the stings in life?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am a big buzzing bug, your kid hit my sister. What's the big ideal ?
Did she sting your kid ?
No !
All she was doing was looking at this cute kid, then ka bam !
Maybe I should send my cousins over there, they don't sting kids, they eat them, yum yum.

HitThaFloor said...

Yea, well, your cousins stung my kid so we'll get back at you for it, or maybe it was your uncle. Whatever. I declare Jihad.

(Really, isn't that the way wars start and don't end?)