Sunday, March 9, 2008


John, Jr. called me up to tell me that we owed some money. There were three parts to it. So I told Dave about it who, in turn, called his mother. When his mom wondered why we were calling in the middle of the night, we both finally looked at the clock and realized what time it was. Before the end of my conversation with John, though, he had stopped talking to me like he had fallen asleep. Dave was furious with me. I told him I hadn't realized the time. His parents, or we were in California and with the time difference it was super early.
Then John was at my house and he was angry and I don't know why. He started throwing me around.

Then I was getting ready to go to a party. I was at work and Mario Lopez and his friend walked in. They knew me. He had called me earlier to ask me to do him a favor and I was in the middle of it when he walked in. He hugged me and then put his arm around me and then we walked into one of the offices where everyone was at. We walked down the hall and around some corners looking for someone else's office and when we found it we walked in. We asked for Randy K. and he said, "Here I am." Then I woke up.

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