Monday, December 4, 2006

I know I had a dream last night. I know it had a major part to do with Camp Wise. I know it was a nice dream. I just can't remember it because my screaming, crying 4 year old woke me up at 3 a.m. and I had to rush into his bedroom to calm him down. Goodbye memory of the dream. I had to wake up too fast. Luckilymy 6 month old sick baby slept through the night (after a rough start).

Oh well, such is the life of a dreamer.


molly said...

oh no! why was gabriel upset?

HitThaFloor said...

He just does that once in a while. Whether it is his door is closed and he wants it open. He is cold. Had a bad dream or just needs reassurance we are there. It takes 2 minutes to get him back to sleep, no big deal, but boy does it interrupt my sleep cycle.