Monday, June 18, 2007

Me and G

I had a very long dream about people and the perceptions of people. There was one part where I was driving a bus and kept having to turn around. There was another part, earlier in the dream, where it was a scavenger hunt but it wasn't quite a scavenger hunt. There were tons of people involved and there were misperceptions, but not in a negative way.

G told me of his dream that he was playing PokeMon Warcraft - not a game that really exists - and that he was a level 16 fighting a level 70 and that he lost because he was so low in level. He went on a bit and was so detailed as to what he was dreaming.

I love my dreams and the fact that I remember them - not as well right now, but it will get better again - and I'm so glad that G is starting down that path.

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