Skip to a gathering with some of my friends. John Jr. takes on his DJ duties and starts Emceeing a wedding that is taking place. He gets everyone into a circle - kind of like in kindergarten where you have to hold hands and spread out and then let go. Then he starts talking to people to get them to open up with issues they are having. His brother Guido is sitting on the ground and he starts singing this song like "It's the Crystal Meth - It's what it does to 'ya". In this singsonging way that I can't relay in writing. He keeps saying that over and over again.
Skip to me trying to get home. It turned out that the circle of friends was taking place in space and I forgot how to get home. I see a star, but it's not just a circle of light. It's a star shape on the outside and it's clear and has a border and is shimmering and beautiful. I can't remember how to get home from space so I call my friend Rob and he told me how to do it. I find this nebulous form. It's brown and it reminds me of a mushroom but it has a cap on both ends. I catch it but it was the wrong thing to catch on the "space highway". It drops me off in a very wrong spot and it turns out I'm in the middle of nowhereseville. I'm in this soupy, grassy place. There's not a lot of water, but enough. I see some baby turtles on the side of the road but there are these miniature alligators who are swimming towards me and don't know what to make of it. I'm trying to calm them down, but they want to get me. They are getting mad. I hear someone (which is amazing since I'm in nowhereseville) but I can't call to that person to help me. He was a park ranger type of person who was checking the turtles, but for some reason he didn't see me.
And them at 4 am my husband finally got off of his crack (World of Warcraft) and came to bed, unintentionallywoke me up and I had to relay the entire dream to him because as I was waking up I was worried the alligator things were going to get me. I explained the entire dream to him and then he started making fun of me. He waved his hands over my eyes to make sure that I was really awake (I have been known to talk in my sleep) and then I kept making fun of the sing-song about the crystal meth. I think that's why I remembered this dream so well.