Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Dream and G's Dream

I was at a rock concert. I was there with the band. The guy I was with played guitar. They were setting up. Usher was there as a special guest. He wouldn’t give me the time of day. He’d only look at the cute girl holding a drink. The drums were being set up on stage and I thought they should get moved over, but if they did, no one would be able to walk around them. The club had different rooms in it and I was walking around, checking them out. I think there was a drag racing strip running around the outside of the room.

I started walking down a street, with a child. We were in an opulent neighborhood. There was this one big, beautiful house and in the back was an open patio. It was down the hill and completely separate from the rest of the house. It was a room, but it had no walls. The room itself was as large as the footprint of my house. There was a large screen tv and bar. It was an old boss of mine’s house – Steve. He was sitting there, in a suit, with his wife and one of his kid’s (though she was much younger in the dream). I peaked my head around the corner and surprised him with a hello. We sat on the couch catching up. I said he was doing well for himself considering the circumstances and we started talking about his different business ventures.

Then G woke up and wanted to tell me his bad dream:

The man took away his food. He was a bad. He couldn’t remember anymore. He said it was too hard to remember.

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