Thursday, December 6, 2007


I was getting my bonus from my bosses. It came by messenger because they didn’t want me to have to pay taxes on it. I got a nice check, over $3,800. But my ex-coworker got $1,900 and for her 6 weeks, it made my check look like it wasn’t as great. She wasn’t even working there anymore. My boss started explaining to the messenger the discretion he needed to take with the checks.

Then I found a new room in the office. It had 3-4 video games in it, one of which was Frogger. It didn’t quite look like frogger. You could never go back to the beginning because you could never lose, but the level you were on was impossible. We started talking about how it would be great if we could put more files in that room instead of using it for old junk, but that we needed to keep some space available for storage other then files.

Then my mom was in the room with a whole bunch of other people. She was handing out Channukah presents. She took a picture I had made for her out of the frame so that she could put something else in. It had crocheted items and painted items. It was an art piece. Rachel had spoken up, she had wanted it, but it was too late, my mom already took the items out and she only wanted


molly said...

you know, it sounds like you might be feeling a little devalued in life right now

i cant do anything about that other than to let you know that you and your family have become a very, very valuable part of mine

deepest gratitude (and i mean this sincerely, no matter how hard you might think i am trying) :)

HitThaFloor said...

Thank you. I appreciate that.

It opened a nice conversation to remind my boss that it's that time of year and guess what - not as much as my dream, but I am getting a bonus tomorrow (damn be Uncle Sam and his elevated taxes for bonus checks). Oh well, something is definitely better then nothing.