Monday, January 15, 2007

When I was little...

(Not quite the right picture - but it is kind of a man behind the curtain.)

When I was little, elementary school age, I used to think that I could influence my dreams. Even back then, as a little girl, I used to think that. I would sit in my bed in my flannel pajamas, trying my hardest to make my bed light up with electricity. I would take my little imaginary pen and write the kind of dream (not the exact dream - still do that to this day) on my little imaginary piece of parchment. I would then fold it and fold it and fold it and put it in my ear so the man in my head could play the dream for me. And no - it wasn't a schizophrenic type of thing - just the person who controlled my dreams. I don't actually recall if I ever got the dream I asked for, but I know I did this quite often.

1 comment:

molly said...

wonderful story- thanks for sharing