Thursday, August 14, 2008


Someone had given me a bunny. I was trying to figure out how to take care of it and I was walking around this town asking people. I had shoes of 2 different sizes, one high heel and one low heel and I remember thinking that I needed to change my shoes, but I liked it this way. I saw my old friends Josh and Missy Marks in a grocery store, but they didn't have any answers. Josh gave me a hug, but it was a short hug and felt weird. I didn't know what to feed it. I put in some food and was looking for animal pellets, but I couldn't find anything. I was looking for the top of a box so I could put the bunny in it with some newspaper. I put the bunny in Little One's room and kept closing the door. Dave kept asking me if the door was closed so he couldn't get out.

I remember a big chasm, but now I'm not sure how it fit in with the dream.

Dave said that I woke up in the middle of the night and reached out my hands. I sort of remember this and remember thinking that I was trying to stop one of my kids from doing something or trying to catch them.

[Note: I had a stressful night last night with extended family stuff going on so I don't know if my dream relates to my kids (which would kind of make sense) or if it relates to all the stress that was floating in my head before I went to sleep.]

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