Saturday, August 30, 2008


I was at a restaurant with some friends and I was so exhausted that I kept falling asleep. I went back with some other friends, three black women, everyone in the restaurant was black. They were waiting for an elderly woman who was celebrating her birthday. I kept staring off into space and zoning out. My friends definitely noticed. Two of the girls started arguing about something. The woman came into the restaurant and was greeted with lots of hugs and kisses and gifts. After that, they pushed the tables out of the way and started singing and dancing. I was backing up, but there was a man behind me and he wanted to start two-stepping around the restaurant.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I was with a person who was going to see his future self. He was a messiah of sorts and people would flock to see him. I don't know if he was going to outer space to see his future self but he definitely had a trip planned. I was right in the middle of everything but not putting myself on the line. I was good friends with the guy everyone wanted to be good friends with. We saw Dave being pulled over by the cops. Later that day we were sitting on Belvoir Blvd. and we saw a person getting pulled over and it was a little green car and I was hoping it wasn't Dave, but there was his white shirt that he wears in the summer and he was getting pulled over yet again. He didn't seem worried because I don't think he got a ticket that first time, but he got pulled over twice in the same day.
Note: There was so much going on in the dream having to do with the "messiah" type person and all the people and events surrounding him but when I woke up - the more important aspect of the dream was Dave's speeding tickets. I woke up and instantly told him to slow down - he knew what I dreamt.
Here's what a ticket means from the dream dictionary: "Ticket To see a ticket in your dream, signifies the start of a new endeavour. You have decided on your path and goals in life. To dream that you lose a ticket, denotes confusion and ambiguity in the direction of your life."

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Someone had given me a bunny. I was trying to figure out how to take care of it and I was walking around this town asking people. I had shoes of 2 different sizes, one high heel and one low heel and I remember thinking that I needed to change my shoes, but I liked it this way. I saw my old friends Josh and Missy Marks in a grocery store, but they didn't have any answers. Josh gave me a hug, but it was a short hug and felt weird. I didn't know what to feed it. I put in some food and was looking for animal pellets, but I couldn't find anything. I was looking for the top of a box so I could put the bunny in it with some newspaper. I put the bunny in Little One's room and kept closing the door. Dave kept asking me if the door was closed so he couldn't get out.

I remember a big chasm, but now I'm not sure how it fit in with the dream.

Dave said that I woke up in the middle of the night and reached out my hands. I sort of remember this and remember thinking that I was trying to stop one of my kids from doing something or trying to catch them.

[Note: I had a stressful night last night with extended family stuff going on so I don't know if my dream relates to my kids (which would kind of make sense) or if it relates to all the stress that was floating in my head before I went to sleep.]

Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Nap Dream

Yea - Nap today!!

I was with a school class, maybe 3 or 4 students, and we were walking in the woods and we had to walk next to a lake on a narrow stone wall. We walked to the bottom - a dead end - and we were looking in the water for the fish. A man joned us, but I had the feeling he wasn't supposed to be there.

The dream changed to being in a video game. I had just won a level and all of a sudden it switched to another harder level and I found myself having to blast Stormtroopers. (Again, with the stormtroopers). I turned the game off and woke up.

A Party

I was going to a party and Teresa's brother was there (although I've never met her brother and I know it wasn't really him). He was the host and everyone wanted to know him. We met and he took a liking to me. We talked all night. It might have been New Year's Eve because everyone wanted to stay out really late. I was getting really tired and by about 11 I wanted to rest my eyes. I was watching myself sleeping being watched by this guy.

When I woke up he was in a costume and he was staring at me but when I saw his eyes they looked strange and odd and scared me a bit. He was told he was scaring me and he backed off.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Of Mice....and Ants

Note: Anyone who knows me, knows my dislike of ants (in the house anyway) and how freaked ot I get when I see one indoors.
I was in my house and there was a mouse on the edge of a windowsill. It looked like he was nibbling Cap'n Crunch or dog food or some kind of pellet. I left it alone thinking he's not doing anything wrong. Then Dave yelled at me furiously. Why did I let it go? I need to get rid of it. The mouse left and I closed the window. Next thing I know the window is ajar (if windows can be ajar) and there were 2 mice. I put on rubber gloves and took them outside and threw them. I wanted to flail them across the yard, but I didn't want to hurt them so I just got them far enough from the house. Then I was thinking I should have turned the rubber gloves inside out and thrown them and then it would have been harder for them to get back. Dave yelled again. I guess there was some kind of fear of disease, etc.

At this point I still don't remember what ants have to do with the dream, but I'm absolutely positive there were one or two walking around and just freaking me out.

I go back to the house and the window is wide open and the mice are back, in full force. I freak out, Dave freaks out. It's so icky and they are so mad at us.

Here's some possible interpretations - taken from the Free Dream Dictionary:
2. Being frightened by a mouse signifies social embarrassment coming up, and if the dreamer wants to avoid it, he or she can look to other symbols in the dream. 3. Mice scurrying around freely, wreaking havoc in their surroundings, indicate family squabbles ahead.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

A relationship

I'm on a basketball court with the star player of the basketball team. He's almost 2 feet taller than me, but I'm holding my own shooting hoops. There are some guys down on the other end playing, but we don't pay attention to them.

Then we go into a tea room / boutique area of the school and it's the end of the day and it's closing down. There are a couple of older ladies (not elderly, but in their 50s or 60s) who don't get out in time and we're all stuck in there. We're not there to steal anything, but that's what the ladies are doing. They are looking at everything and this basketball player and I are trying to keep them from doing it. We keep trying to lock the door to the boutique, but they just won't go away. It seems we keep going in circles, from the tea room to the boutique. These two ladies are always on our tail and we can't get rid of them.

We get hungry and decide to go across the street to the seafood restaurant there. We're on the way over there, but I get sidetracked to audition for an SCA-type event. I dress up as my gypsey and stand in front of the room. There are three tables shaped like a u. They start laughing at me and saying that gypsey's are so outdated. I bring out my candles but tell them it's been a decade since I've danced.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


E - you planted this in my head - another time I was naked, in my dream....

I was arrested for something. I had to strip down in front of everyone and wasn't allowed to wear clothes, but I don't know what I did wrong.

Then the dream shifted to walking through a school hallway and a show was being taped. These two girls finagled me into helping them prepare food. It had a "Asian" flare but it was mini cheesecakes and oreos, 4 to a box.

G's dream - Flying Things

There were things flying around and they were everywhere, coming in my door. They were even right by my face. THey were thousands of them. They were having a party, dancing, I didn't hear the music.

Bachelorette Party

I had a dream that I was at the Red Lobster at S's bachelorette party but Little One was there with me. He was acting up and running away. Everyone was sitting at this long table and staring at me.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Did he cheat?

Dave went to a party and I stayed at home. Everyone was dressed up and he was dressed as a storm trooper. A girl came onto him and he started kissing her. He didn't care about anything else.