Friday, February 29, 2008

Mine and G's

G dreamed that Mickey Mouse gave him a diamond. Hmmm, I hope this is prophetic as we hope to go to Disney World this year - or maybe he's trying to tell us that it's going to cost us a fortune......

As for me, I was making dinner - a big party - and I needed to get everyone's order so I could go to the grocery store. I had no problem keeping the list of what people actually wanted to eat but when it came to items that I just needed because, I couldn't keep them in my head. I asked Dave for some help. I remember that I was having fun trying to put this together.

Monday, February 25, 2008

G's dog

So G dreamed about getting a dog the other night. Not gonna happen. He was so excited that he had to tell me and Daddy at the same time and he was explaining his entire "good" dream to us. It had more to do then just the dog, but that was definitely the main focal point.
As for me, I dreamt last night and the night before but all I get is flashes of a dream. I get a very brief, deja vu feel and then I see a picture but I can't grab the picture out of my brain nearly enough to put it into words. As soon as I try to put words to the situation, the words don't seem right and the dream leaves.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


I was at a hospital. I know I wasn't a doctor but I was pretending to be one for a patient. I think it was someone I knew and they needed help. I knew what kind of help they needed, but I definitely wasn't a doctor. I was walking through the hall and told a friend, a doctor, "His SSA needs BWP." or some other initials like that - trying to speak doctorese. I was trying to keep him from the real doctors, who didn't really know what they were doing.
I ended up replaying the dream again, but in another city. I know Molly was in the dream somewhere, I think on the team that was trying to help the patient (which makes perfect sense, no?)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Parking Lot Road Rage

My family was in the car. We were pulling into a parking space. Some jerk decided to go into the space instead and as he was pulling his car back to straighten it out, he hit us. I laid on the horn, but it was too late. Then he tried straightening out again and he said that it was our fault. I wouldn't move my car until he gave us his insurance and license information. In the meantime, the car next to him wanted to get out of his space and they were impatient so they hit the car next to them on their way out. I was patient through it all, but stood my ground that it was his fault. He back into my door and he had usurped the parking space.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Helping Hand Again, Maybe

Now that I'm a few minutes out from my dream, I am not remembering it as well. It was very long. The end of it was on a Kibbutz. I was with a family and something wasn't right. (Dave just said that I talked in my sleep last night....I said "It wasn't me. Should I go downstairs, get him and come back?") That kind of makes sense because there was a chase of some kind and I remember having to figure out what to do. Hmmm....I'm blanking right now. If I remember anything else, I'll post again.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Helping Hand

Yesterday was busy. I brought food for the Hagiga (Saturday school) children. I made dinner for someone at Temple who had surgery. I made dinner for some friends of ours. It was a busy day, but a very good day. This is my dream: The person who I made the dinner for who had surgery, I went to her house and helped her paint it. Not much of a dream, but very fulfilling.

G's dream - Friday Night

G woke up in the middle of the night, rare for him. This is what he told me: I dreamt Grandpa had given me two poison apples. He was a wizard. It scared me.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A visit to school

I was visiting G's school. It wasn't about Valentine's day or anything, though, it was about Passover. There were students and one of them was freaking out a bit because something wasn't right. I know there was shale in it and another parent was trying to figure out what was wrong.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tummy Problems

So I know I had a really long dream last night, but when I woke up I couldn't remember quite a bit of it. I do remember, however, that I had a sharp pain in my abdomen (in reality, not in my dream) but then I dreamt that it was appendicitis and that I had to have emergency surgery and be hospitalized and I didn't know how I was going to pay for it.

Hmmm, is this me having sympathy for Little One and his poopy problems, or lack thereof?? He's been waking up in the middle of the night in so much pain and agony. I'm sorry little guy.

I guess this is better than my dream from Saturday where I thought I had all these itty bitty tiny worms in my hair - kind of like lice or maggots. Oh, I'm getting queazy just thinking about it.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

What the Man Wore to the Dance

I was at a department store with a man that I was taking to a dance. He was latino and he had a big mid-section. He was fat but muscular at the same time. We were picking out something for him to wear and he wore a long overall jean dress. He didn't think he was going to like it, but he said it was really comfortable. He had to wear a bra but it was too loose on him. I was going to tighten it but the eye hooks were broken. When I went to get another one the store was closing and all the gates were down. I explained to the guard what was happening and he radioed for another bra. (PS - the bra was hot deep pink). The date was checking out the movement and freedom he had in the dress.

Note: I think I figured out why I had that crazy dream - I'm already having a crazy morning and it's only 8:30. We almost got hit by a car who had no care in the world about us. If it wasn't for Dave's driving and slamming on the brake (on the freeway) we wouldn't have gotten slammed. I get to work (20 minutes early) and my boss is already slamming me with work, and not typical work - problems that we're having that need research and resolution. I'm tired and don't want to deal with this and my heart still hurts a bit from that near miss. I swear I need to go to the doctor and get some nitro pills or something.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Dave's Dream

Dave told me his dream last night. He dreamt he robbed a bank and that we had stacks and stacks of money in a tub that we usually fill with toys. The FBI wanted him for questioning. He called his aunt to see if she had a counting room, but she was trying to shush him because the feds were interrogating her as well.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Another Roller Coaster Ride

There were four people, kids maybe. I was standing on a street that had a school on it and the kids were playing by themselves - no grownups watching over them. The kids were all very different - different ages and races, sex. No two were alike in the least. There were a bunch of parents milling around outside and there were cars parked along the street. One of the things they had in common was their love of roller coasters. Not everyone could go on it, but it was a fun ride.
Switch to: Two of the kids, a boy and a girl, went to the boy's home city. He was royalty, or something like it. The house was gorgeous - very well decorated. Everyone was friendly. They were taking a tour of the city. For some reason there was one street that was supposed to be very special, but the tour guide just took us to an alley and was showing us how she divided up all the garbage - recyclables and what-not. (Note: Maybe this is in my dream because I can feel my carbon footprint getting bigger and not smaller. I want to recycle but Little One isn't ready to stop playing with the recylables yet.) She had a box and a milk jug and was showing them how she separated everything. Then she took them to a huge, monstrous machine that made everything like new again. It took garbage and made it usable. It took food that's rotten and made it delicious again, especially bananas. She was telling them everything you could do with a revamped banana - all the cream pies and good food you could make.
Then the two kids met another boy. The one boy they met was very tall, and the one who started off in the dream was much shorter - about the same height as the girl. The two boys started kissing. It was a very odd sight only because they didn't really kiss on the lips - it was kind of all over the place. Then, later that night at home, the shorter boy kissed the girl too.
Since this is the 2nd dream I've had with a roller coaster, this is what I found online: "Roller coaster: Dreaming about a roller coaster ride seems to symbolize the emotional ups and downs that a person is experiencing. Although, this ride can be fun, it can also seem out-of-control and even be a frightening experience. As a dream symbols it suggests that the dreamer may need to achieve greater emotional balance. The severe changes in mood and temperament are draining and unproductive and maybe highlighted by the roller coaster dream."
Hmm....seems to be on point.