Monday, January 28, 2008


I was at the funeral of all of my grandparents. They were cremated. The box for my Grandma and Grandpa almost looked like it read "Robin" but it was Rob or Bobbi - grandma (In reality - my grandma's name was Shirley) and the Morris made it look like "in." I couldn't find the box for my Baubie and Zadie. I went back to look but I couldn't find it anywhere. There were a lot of people I knew there even though it was on to the next funeral. I looked at the cremation box and the name was Jeff Shiner. I don't know if in real life I know anyone by that name but in my dream I did. It was someone at my old law firm and everyone was there. I was looking around for my grandparents' box but I couldn't find any managemen who worked at the funeral home, only deli workers - there were tons of them that kept getting the food prepared all day for everyone at the funerals.

Back at the house I was going through all the things my mom had taken from their house. All my Aunt's old stuff. She had a present I had made for her still. It was wrapped in paper but then some fabric circles glued on top to make it pretty. In the box were old cupcakes I had made of Disney characters. I couldn't even remember how old they were but they were at least 5-10 years old, and some people started eating them.

1 comment:

molly said...

interesting dream...

i thought it was interesting that "bobbi" was your grandmother because i saw that and thoughtit a dream reference to "bubby (or how ever you spelled it) " and then you briought up your "baubie"