Tuesday, September 4, 2007


At first I was in a large auditorium. It was huge, but now I don't remember what I was doing there. What I do remember is bringing three presents to a maternity ward. I dropped off two of the presents and couldn't find anyone to give the third to, so I saw someone I knew sitting there, Suzanne (who in real life has as her youngest a 4 year old) and told gave her the present because I had meant to give it to her a month earlier, when her baby was born. Then I went to see my friend and someone came in who had to do a test on her. He wasn't from the hospital but we had been expecting him. It turned out that he was in imposter and he was doing something to mess with the girl I was seeing. We didn't find out it until it was too late.

1 comment:

molly said...

yeah!! you are dreaming!! ive missed reading them