Sunday, July 29, 2007
Trying to Get Your Love

It starts off house hunting. The houses look absolutely tiny and run down from the outside, but as soon as you go inside, the house is a mansion. There were fireplaces placed in the middle of the floor and they have metal covers that snuff them out when you're done. It had a brand name etched in it, but I can't remember the name of it now. The kitchen was emaculate. I was looking in the master suite and someone was changing into their nightclothes so I apologized. I walked down an awkward narrow hall and it turned into the nursery. There was 1 crib, but inside the crib was an up and down section and each one had a baby in it. Then the dream turned into a movie where a guy is trying to attract a girl. The girl was rich and her family didn't want anything to do with him, but he kept trying to win her over anyway. They were going out as a group and he picked out clothes for everyone, but they were detective-type sleuth clothes. Then my son cried and woke me up.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
A brave little girl
[Insert appropriate picture here]
There was a little girl who was tiny and we were trying to save her. She was a strong soul, however, and fought with everything she had. She was a positive inspiration, doing everything the bigger kids were doing, even though she wasn't big enough. I can't explain the images now, but it was like one of those 60 minute specials that are truly inspirational.
I didn't want to wake from this dream, but my only little inspirations decided that I needed to.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Saturday Night - Cedar Point / Reality TV

We went to Cedar Point Saturday. Saturday night I kept dreaming that I was getting on the Power Tower and was riding the ride, over and over again. Why Power Tower? Millenium Force was much better.
Part Two: I was a finalist on a reality cooking show. I was one of four and I was being interviewed on television. I was nervous about it because I didn't know why I was a finalist.
Friday, July 20, 2007
I bought a pogo mini upgrade option and it cost most of my tokens. I remember being mad because it didn't give me an opt-out option in case I really didn't want to buy it. So I lost most of my tokens and what was the upgrade? My ass.
Then I kept dreaming about a pool and a party and it wasn't all positive, but I completely lost it when I woke up.
Sunday, July 15, 2007

It's late at night now and it was fuzzy earlier. What I remember is disjointed and hard to explain, so let's see what develops:
People, including me, were going through something. I think we were working. We went through twice. The first time was fine and the second time we all thought it was fine. It turned out that in reality, most of us were hopped up on coke at some point or another and we were really blathering idiots who had no idea what was going on. All of a sudden we would get an image of ourself trying to work. We thought we were doing great, but it turns out that we were pretty much unintelligible.
There was a dirt road and people sitting in lawn chairs.
I was going to a mall and Jody H. was there. We were driving through a parking lot for a while. We were in a parking garage. We went inside and there was some sort of contest going on, but it turned out most of the teens in the mall were all flying high on something and I could look around and just see it in their eyes.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
2 part dream - a contest and war torn fencing
Part One:
I was in a contest. I was on a big piece of rock thousands of feet above the ground. There would only be one winner - the one who didn't die. I kept looking at what piece was about to come off next and didn't know how to get down to the ground. I jumped from one end to another part higher up and was yelled at by another contestant. Next thing I know, I'm looking down and the ground is coming up fast - almost like "freefalling". I get to one part of the rock and grab on to these two big bungie cord things, I touch down. My feet hit earth! The person who yelled at me was laughing at me and then he grabbed my cords. I let go and he was about to be ecstatic for winning but then he let go. He literally flew thousands of feet into the air again and knew he was about to die. He came crashing down, hard and I started crying and crying and crying.
Part Two:
I was in a war-torn area. There were two countries, one with the war and one without, bordering each other. There was nothing but rock and dirt surrounding us. There was a long fence, like a cattle fence. It was gated on all sides so once you were in the fence you couldn't leave. You could either go to the war torn country or leave it. The people coming was a steady stream, the people leaving was a trickle. This one man saw his family - a boy, a mom and their dog. They were leaving. The man was coming. He instantly turned around and went back the other way when he got to the end. A man came up outside of the fence and open fired on them. The boy and dog got away but the other two were lying there. As soon as the man with the gun left, the dad got up - he hadn't been hit - but the mom had. The dad caught up to his son and they made it to the other side.
Then I was sitting in a cafe in Boston, but I was still feeling like I was being chased by the war-torn country. There was a boy without a mom and we were trying to figure out how we were going to get by. Then Julia Roberts was in the dream, she had a 2 kids with her. She was famous, but it wasn't because she was Julia Roberts, she was a different famous person. She tried sneaking around, but it wasn't working. Then this part of the dream gets hazy.
I was in a contest. I was on a big piece of rock thousands of feet above the ground. There would only be one winner - the one who didn't die. I kept looking at what piece was about to come off next and didn't know how to get down to the ground. I jumped from one end to another part higher up and was yelled at by another contestant. Next thing I know, I'm looking down and the ground is coming up fast - almost like "freefalling". I get to one part of the rock and grab on to these two big bungie cord things, I touch down. My feet hit earth! The person who yelled at me was laughing at me and then he grabbed my cords. I let go and he was about to be ecstatic for winning but then he let go. He literally flew thousands of feet into the air again and knew he was about to die. He came crashing down, hard and I started crying and crying and crying.
Part Two:
I was in a war-torn area. There were two countries, one with the war and one without, bordering each other. There was nothing but rock and dirt surrounding us. There was a long fence, like a cattle fence. It was gated on all sides so once you were in the fence you couldn't leave. You could either go to the war torn country or leave it. The people coming was a steady stream, the people leaving was a trickle. This one man saw his family - a boy, a mom and their dog. They were leaving. The man was coming. He instantly turned around and went back the other way when he got to the end. A man came up outside of the fence and open fired on them. The boy and dog got away but the other two were lying there. As soon as the man with the gun left, the dad got up - he hadn't been hit - but the mom had. The dad caught up to his son and they made it to the other side.
Then I was sitting in a cafe in Boston, but I was still feeling like I was being chased by the war-torn country. There was a boy without a mom and we were trying to figure out how we were going to get by. Then Julia Roberts was in the dream, she had a 2 kids with her. She was famous, but it wasn't because she was Julia Roberts, she was a different famous person. She tried sneaking around, but it wasn't working. Then this part of the dream gets hazy.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Mad TV

Monday, July 2, 2007
My Mother and Cinderella

I was at home and my mom and her best friend were there with me and Dave. We were about to watch a movie and they were in the bathroom, getting it on. I knew that's what they were doing, but didn't care to find out more. The door was ajar and I knocked because if we didn't start the movie soon, it would be too late to watch it. My mom yelled "Doesn't anyone knock around here any more?" And then I woke up with the images in my head of my mom and her best friend getting it on.
After falling back asleep I was in a Broadway production of Cinderella. I was the lead, but they kept having trouble finding the right dress for me to wear. I was offstage looking for the dress when I was supposed to be on stage. I think it was only a rehearsal, but not finding my dress was very distressing. I had two dresses I was supposed to wear. One was made out of a canvas material. The backstage was a mess.
This is three days later so I'm sure that I'm not remembering all of the detail, but what can you do....I didn't get on the computer over the weekend.
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