Thursday, December 31, 2009

Talking Posters and Lots of Cash

It's been a while, but this was a good dream and just have to get it out of my head.....

I'm at my house and G is there. He's making buzzing noises into a poster - holding it up to his lips and feeling the vibrations the paper makes when he buzzes his lips. All of a sudden, I hear noises coming from the poster. I can't figure out what it is. It's faint and difficult to make out. All of a sudden I realize that it's kind of like a telephone and someone is yelling at G because of these noises he's making. I turn into "mama lion" and roar back at the man who's yelling at my son! Then I tell him that we didn't realize it was a phone poster and he backs off.

Later, at my house again there's a bunch of people over - one of whom I think is the man from the poster. We're all doing chores - we're all outside. I find an envelope full of money on the gruond and I don't know who it belongs to so I tape it up to my house and hope that no one will claim it. We're then cleaning up the backyard and another man has another roll of cash that he drops onto the yard for me to find. I move inside and my friend T. J. (old co-worker) is there and she's folding up the money like paper footballs and playing football on the table with whomever is sitting opposite her on this long table she's at.