Monday, July 6, 2009

Old friends and an actor.

I was with a group of friends. I took a costume from one friend, it was a long black trench-coast like jacket and big black army boots that went up to my thigh. The whole costume was very comfortable and I absolutely adored the boots. Then we decided that we had to go downtown. I was going around finding some of my friends that I used to work with just to see what they were up to. I saw LJD and then went to see TJ. I thought she was a waitress at a restaurant but she was just there eating. As I was standing at an exit there was a man standing there, very tall and in uniform. There were a gaggle of girls standing there staring at him. I went up to him and he looked very familiar to me so I asked him if I knew him from somewhere. It turned out it was W. Wheaton (pictured above). Aaah, an actor. He was in unfiorm because he was working on a movie. He kept coming back over to talk to me. I'd ask him questions. What did he like, dislike? What kind of restaurants - I knew he was looking for a place to eat and I was trying to suggest places. He asked about ice cream, I mentioned East Coast Custard. He asked about icees and I didn't have an answer for that. He wouldn't give me his number, even though I was trying to get it.
Then the scene changes to a band that I was in and all of us were walking over this bridge that was floating in the water. It wasn't straight, but lots of "l" shaped pieces that you had to walk back and forth to get to where you were going. The boats had to stay on the outside so that they could just stay in the water and no hit this bridge. I was on the edge and at one point I decided to jump off.

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